Contributors List
Shlomi Fish - Founded perl-begin and did most of the work on the initial versions.
Dave Goehrig - Contributed the essay "What the Books Don't Teach You" to the Wiki.
Marilyn Matty - Gave some web design and content tips.
Mark Fowler - Suggested two important additions to the articles section.
G. Wolfgang - Contributed the GoFlexiblePro design on which the design of this site is based.
Shog9, Stephen Wrighton and other Stack Overflow members - Helped to fix a problem with the site's CSS.
Alan Haggai Alavi - Contributed many corrections to the text of the site and helped revamp the site style to make it fluid and stretchable.
Adam Kennedy - supplied important input for improving the site.
Gabor Szabo (szabgab) - reported some broken links and typos, projected the Padre IDE project and has provided lots of other support for making Perl 5 and Perl 6 more accessible
tm604 - provided some input for the pages and gave a CSS tip for making the top of the pages look nicer.
slakmagik - reported a code typo in bad Perl elements page.
WebHostingSearch - Sponsoring Perl-Begin since 2009.
Seppo Yli-Olli - reported a typo.
Chankey Pathak (E-mail) - reported a broken link.