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Main Perl Resources

  • - O'Reilly's Perl Portal with many interesting articles, some sections and links.

  • use Perl; - a Slashdot-style news site dedicated to Perl (but with much fewer comments and one of higher signal-to-noise ratio). Visit it to keep up to date with what's going on in Perl.

  • - a Perl portal by the Perl Mongers Organization and the Perl Foundation.

  • Perl Mongers - The "Perl Mongers" Perl user-groups world-wide.

  • CPAN - The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - Contains a lot of modules for doing practically anything with Perl. Why re-invent the wheel when so many different types of them are available for free? Note that Perl distributions on various systems contain an easy to use interface to install modules from it, including dependencies. See our page about it for how to start with it.

  • Perl Buzz - a news feed about Perl with several sections, that aims to cover "the newest and best of the Perl world".

  • The Perl Foundation - a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the Perl programming language.

  • Enlightened Perl - an organization that "supports certain Perl-development efforts that ensure Perl's future as an enterprise-grade development platform."

  • perl101 - Perl 101 - Things Every Perl Programmer Should Know.

  • Perl Weekly - a weekly newsletter (E-mail + on the Website) about the most notable articles from the Perl blogosphere in the leading week.

  • Learn Perl ( ) - a beginners site with a similar objective to perl-begin, but different content and strategy. It might work better for you.

Perl Culture

  • Perl Humour - a list of links to Perl humour.

  • Perl Poetry - Poems that are valid Perl programs.

  • Perl Golf - competitions to find out the shortest Perl programs to achieve a certain task. Looking at the winning entries and analysing them can actually teach you a lot about built-in Perl features (some of them relatively obscure).

  • The Perl Quiz of the Week - a quiz to write a Perl program by Mark Jason Dominus.

  • Obfuscated Perl Code - even worse than usual.

  • "Just another Perl hacker" (JAPHs) - print the phrase “Just another Perl hacker” in Perl in many imaginative ways.

Prominent Perl People

  • Larry Wall - the father of Perl. A very colourful, amusing and interesting person, who is also a competent UNIX hacker (invented patch, rn and other utilities), and a linguist by training. Also see the Wikipedia page about him.

  • Tom Christiansen - Authored several books and has been hacking with Perl and on Perl since its early beginning. Wrote several FAQs and essays on Perl.

  • Mark Jason Dominus - Runs a web-site that contains a lot of random information and code about Perl. Authored the book "Higher Order Perl".

  • Damian Conway - a computer science academic, with a passion for Perl. Wrote some books and many CPAN modules (including one to write Perl in Latin - ;-)), and is considered one of the primary experts on Object-Oriented Programming in Perl. Now co-heads the Perl 6 effort.

  • Randal L. Schwartz - co-authored some of Perl's most important books and one of the top experts on Perl on the planet.

  • Jarkko Hietaniemi - the CPAN master librarian, a contributor to the core Perl distribution and external modules, and an all-around nice guy.

  • Adam Kennedy - a prolific Australian Perl developer and blogger who has written or adopted many CPAN distributions, and contributed a lot to the Padre IDE for Perl and in Perl.

  • Andy Lester - author of some useful CPAN distributions, and prolific and influential blogger (see Perl Buzz).

  • Michael G. Schwern - maintainer of some Perl modules, and prolific writer.

  • Gabor Szabo (szabgab) - Perl developer, trainer, and blogger, who has led the Padre IDE project.

  • Ricardo Signes - Perl 5 pumpking for several releases, creator of Dist-Zilla, and maintainer and/or originator of over 200 CPAN modules.

The Google Directory Perl Category

A comprehensive hierarchy of links.

DMoz's Perl Category

The source of the above, which is more up-to-date, but is slower and does not include Googlisms.

Yahoo's Perl Category

The Yahoo Directory used to be quite a useful resource before DMoz and its mirrors (like the Google Directory) came along. Now it's relatively unmaintained, but may still contain some useful links.

