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Web Forums

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Stack Overflow

A free-of-charge and high-quality Questions and Answers board which allows one to post questions and receive answers, or alternatively answer other people's questions. There's an active perl category there.

Perl Monks

The premier web forum for Perl people. It's in English, and offers many interesting categories. Complete archive of all past discussions is available. Note that there may be some hostility and impoliteness there so make sure to have a thick skin when asking there and not to be insulted.

Reddit’s /r/perl subreddit

Reddit is a quality and popular web-based system of forums - like a more modern and improved Usenet, with less spam (so far) and with a reputation/karma system to encourage people to improve. /r/perl is a sub-forum dedicated to all things Perl and perl.

While most beginner questions can and should be posted to Stack Overflow, and its sub forums are useful for general discussion and news.

Perl for Beginners Study Group on OpenStudy

Join the Study Group

A study group for Perl beginners over at ("Make the world your study group.").

Localised Forums

Whatsup’s Hebrew Programming Forum

A forum in Hebrew hosted on the Israeli Linux Portal.

What to Avoid

The Facebook Perl Forums

The Facebook’s forums system is intended for casual talk and correspondence, and tends to mangle the code losing its indentation, and fixed width font display. Use a mailing list or a better web forum to get help, or alternatively try asking on IRC (Chat)

