Wikis for Perl and Perl Beginners
A wiki is a site that the main content of its pages be edited by web visitors by using their browsers. Wikis allow for a collaborative editing of resources, and for a quick enhancement and correction. Perl wikis can provide useful resources of information for Perl beginners and other people interested in Perl.
Table of Contents
Central Perl Wikis
The Perl 5 Wiki - the Official Wiki for Perl 5. - Wiki for Perl from Perl Australia - a MediaWiki-based Wiki from Perl Australia. See its resources for Beginners.
Perl at the English Wikipedia - The wikipedia is a multi-lingual world-editable encyclopaedia. The Perl Page contains links to other pages inside the wikipedia about Perl.
Wikipedia's Perl category - a category of Perl-related Wikipedia articles with several sub-categories.
"Programming Perl" in the wikibooks - a Book about Perl programming in the Wikibooks project.
Rosetta Code
Contains a series of tasks, with solutions presented in as many programming languages as possible. Note: the Perl solutions presented there can vary in quality. (As can the solutions in other languages.)
Wikis on Specialised Topics
Win32 Perl Wiki - a Wiki for Perl on Microsoft Windows.
The Perl QA Wiki - wiki about QA (Quality Assurance or testing) of Perl and with Perl.