Perl Developer Tools
This page was retrieved from the corresponding page at the currently offline wiki. There it was maintained by several people and was licensed under the CC-by-sa Australia and the original Perl Artistic License. It was restored here from the wayback machine.
Perl programs are written using plain text files, so at a minimum all you need a basic text editor (e.g. Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on OS X). If you are new to Perl then the best combination are a text editor and a command window to run the Perl interpreter as IDE's can make life a little complicated when you first start.
Some more powerful development tools are listed below, roughly grouped as:
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - features perl syntax highlighting, integrated debugging support, and other advanced features
Text Editor - at a minimum features perl syntax highlighting. Other IDE-like features may be possible through additional plugins/extensions.
Helper Tools - applications such as GUI builders and reference documentation that may be used in conjunction with IDEs and editors.
Predominantly commercial programs are noted with $, although in some cases their licences may have exceptions for personal, educational, or government use.
Note: A listing here does not imply any endorsement or that a review has taken place. (Independent reviews welcome!)
Cross Platform IDEs
IDEs for Windows
$ EngInSite Perl Editor.
$ PerlWiz.
$ Solution Soft Perl Builder.
IDEs for OS X
Cross Platform Text Editors
Emacs, GNU Emacs for MS Windows, Emacs for OS X .. for perl-specific support read up on cperl-mode (or for Emacs prior to 21.2 perl-mode)
Kephra is written in Perl
VIM, Vim for Windows, VIM for OS X (Carbon) and MacVim (Cocoa). VIM includes perl syntax highlighting, but there are also numerous extensions that enable more IDE-like features such as debugging, tags, and sanity checks
ActiveState Komodo Edit is an Open Source editor that supports Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl, plus JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and XML, and template languages like RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty and Django
$ Rocket editor has Perl support
Text Editors for Windows
Text Editors for OS X
Bare Bones Software’s TextWrangler
$ Bare Bones Software’s $ BBEdit
$ TheCodingMonkeys’ SubEthaEdit
$ Macromates’ TextMate
Cross Platform Helper Tools
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is used with different types of languages including common scripting languages such as Perl
Perl::Critic critiques Perl source code for best-practices. There is a gentle introduction
Perltidy code formatter. The recommendations from Conway's Perl Best Practices may be downloaded and there is a front end tool to help configure your own preferences. There is also an introduction
Devel::REPL Interactive Perl shell. Read Execute Print Loop shell (run
from terminal prompt), as pioneered by Lisp. Handy tip, add "use v5.10.1
" to the~/
file and usesay $x
instead ofprint "$x\n"
DBI::shell Interactive shell for DBI RDBMS layer
Module::Starter::PBP Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
Helper tools for Windows
The GUI Loft: a WYSIWYG design tool (written in Perl) for designing Perl Win32::GUI windows.
Perl Oasis: a POD/source/class browser tightly integrated with (currently) UltraEdit, gVim, EditPlus, and PFE (Programmer's File Editor).
Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to interactively experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions.
Helper tools for OS X
Camel Bones: an Objective-C/Perl bridge lets you integrate perl code with your Cocoa / Xcode development projects (e.g. use the Apple developer tools to build user interfaces, and write the application code in perl!). Also includes an example app, ShuX, which is a perldoc browser.
PerlPad: allows you to run perl code from the Services menu available in most OS X applications ; can also convert perl snippets into keyboard shortcuts
Platypus: a tool for creating application wrappers around scripts (e.g. create Mac OS X applications that execute a bundled perl script).
Pashua: a tool for generating native Aqua dialog windows from within perl (and other supported scripting languages). Data from the dialog can be passed on to the calling script; works well in conjunction with Platypus to create a simple application bundle.
perlDoc: a perl documentation viewer.
Helper tools for Linux
Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to interactively experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions. There are reliable reports of it running successfully under Linux using Wine and older, native, releases are also available for Linux and BSD as well. RegexCoachInstallHints Installation Hints